

Sex Therapy Basics

Frequent Sex Therapy Concerns: I just don't have much of a sex drive, I never have.  What can I do? I feel broken.  Will I need medication? My partner wants more (or less) sex than I do.  Is there hope for us? I feel he (she) is not attracted to [...]

By |3:15 pm|Anxiety, Confidence, Depression, Relationships, Sex Therapy|Comments Off on Sex Therapy Basics

Confidence and Insecurity

Returning to school and taking on the grind of academics, athletics and other pressures may arouse excitement as well as anxieties about how the year will go.  You may be imagining how successful will you be, and will you do as well as you hope.  Optimism is part of starting [...]

By |1:17 pm|Anxiety, Confidence, Depression, Mental Health, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Confidence and Insecurity

Is Therapy Worth It?

When someone decides to call a psychologist it is usually after many months of internal debate.  Something has to tip the scales to reach out to a stranger for help.  Something inside the person has to build up to overcome two important ready-made obstacles: the financial investment and the stigma. [...]

By |2:34 pm|Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Self Care|Comments Off on Is Therapy Worth It?

Doctor, Can You Fix My Mother?

It could be almost any work day for me.  It happened again today. A patient wants me to fix his or her wife/husband/boss/mother/father/neighbor/co-worker/child.  I tell them if I could do that, I would win the Nobel Peace prize and retire a gazillionaire! This phenomenon is so common as to be [...]

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Are You a Perfectionist?

“I have a hard time trusting.† “I got burned once; never again!† “I’ve put up a wall so people can’t hurt me.†  “I do all the work in my relationship.† “My husband/wife needs therapy!†These are statements made by someone who is a perfectionist.  How do I know?  Read the [...]

By |3:03 pm|Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Relationships|Comments Off on Are You a Perfectionist?

Why We Feel More Vulnerable After a Tragedy

Tragedy first brings us together.  Later it risks pulling us apart. In her NPR piece reporter Alix Spiegel talked to social psychology professor Jeff Greenberg at the University of Arizona about his research on our conscious and unconscious reactions to large-scale trauma.  He noted there are immediate and delayed responses to [...]

By |11:56 am|Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Self Care|Comments Off on Why We Feel More Vulnerable After a Tragedy

Stressed About Sequestration?

THEN:  sequestration is the action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met. NOW:  sequestration is the state of our country where millions of Americans are worried about the economic impact of the Federal Government’s failure to manage the budget. [...]

By |9:05 pm|Anxiety, Mental Health, Self Care, Sleep Issues|Comments Off on Stressed About Sequestration?

What’s the Use of Getting Angry?

Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."  I will add to this, anger.  Anyone who has ever known an infant will know that we come into this world with the capacity for anger, a capacity surely selected through evolution for [...]

By |12:52 pm|Anxiety, Mental Health, Relationships|Comments Off on What’s the Use of Getting Angry?